Started in 2009 publishes new articles regularly covering a myriad of topics on the subject of Basketball and Coaching.
You’ll find lots of information such as motivational articles, drills, coaches & player tips, as well as sensitive topics like parental involvement and how to handle common issues, which you will come across during your Basketball life.
Who is Eitel?
Meet Eitel Daniel a 36-year old Basketball nut, living in Frankfurt, Germany, together with his two cats Sina and Zero. Besides working as a Sales Manager with one of the world’s largest font foundries, he’s been involved in Basketball for as long as 25 years.
Eitel landed his first coaching gig as a holiday replacement when he was at the age of 16. Since then he has been fascinated of the various aspects when teaching the game of Basketball and was responsible for various teams, ranging from U10 to senior teams, both men and women.
On he shares his experience on the X and O’s of the game of Basketball gathered in almost 20 years of actively coaching and teaching.
If you’d like to contact Eitel or have questions please email him HERE. If you’d like to keep in touch, please also consider subscribing to the newsletter or connecting via the following channels:
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