Building trust right from your coach to your parent is a process, and if you think that it can happen overnight then you are sadly mistaken. Most players who love the game of Basketball fail to build enough trust in their parents and coaches by not meeting their laid down expectations, and this could, in a worst case scenario, waiver your career as a basketball player. Let’s look at how you can build trust in your coach first.

Your coach can do a lot for you. He can in fact teach you skills that will not only help improve your game, but will also help in pushing you to the limits without you having to encounter any injury. Coaches are excellent mentors and advisers who offer a perspective on non-sports problems on and off the field as well. Many successful NBA players have a strong relationship with their coaches and this is because they have built their trust in them. So, how do you go about gaining trust and confidence from your coach?

Building block

Trust is the key to any foundation and this can be achieved by continuously being responsible as an individual player, team mate and a student of the game. Honesty comes along with it, and this means that there is no manipulation or lie when asked about something or when being judged.

This works both ways. If you want to gain respect from your coach for being a good basketball player then you need to respect your coach as well. Valuing his opinions, teachings and coaching skills, you need to remember that your coach has your best interests at hand and a huge experience of the game that you are trying to make an impact on. If you don’t agree on any point, it’s best that you talk to your coach on a one-on-one basis rather than flaring up in front of others.

Adherence to Rules
You need to show up for practice on time, abide by the rules laid out for the team (don’t treat yourself as an individual) put in your 110 % in every effort that you do, be it a game or even a meet.

Trust and your Parents
Your parents are equally important, they are in fact your supporting blocks, and you need to ensure that they trust you enough to allow you to pursue your basketball dream. All your parents need is that you are committed in anything you do. Just like your coach, building trust in your parents is a process that will not happen overnight. Everyday is a small step forward, and you need to take care of the basic factors everyday. This will ensure that over a period of time your parent trust you.

Make sure that you discuss your progress report on the game with your parents. You will be surprised to know that they, too, are interested in what you do.

Respect your parents and their opinions if you want them to reciprocate the same with you. Try and understand their point of view and then work around on a common understanding that is amicable to both. Make sure that you don’t falter in your grades, so you need to put in enough of time in your regular studies as well. Creating the right balance will help you earn their respect.

Never lie to your parents about where you’re going, where the games are to be held, practice timings and even if the coach wants to meet up with them. Get them to meet your coach often so that they learn about your progress first hand, and then they can decide if you need to spend more time in practice or no. Invite them to games that you are playing in, they would love to be a part of what you do.

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