Who ever knew that one English teacher could sum up success so well? What are we referring to? We are referring to John R. Wooden’s explanation of success with the use of a pyramid. His depiction of success is so right you would be amazed by it. Here is what he says are the important things that make up success.

The first few things are very essential to what success is made up of. The first thing is of friendship. Here you do not get anywhere without knowing people. Besides that is industriousness. To your friends, you have to have loyalty, which is another part of this pyramid. Then the last of the top things that make up success is cooperation and enthusiasm. If you cooperate with people, and you have the heart you can be successful.

From there, there is another level that makes up success. You cannot reach this level until you have completed the first level. This second level first entails self control. Things will try to stop you from achieving. You have to be alert. You have to have an intent on why you are doing what you aim to do. From there you also have to have the initiative. You have to have that drive.

Once you have handled these first two levels you are on your way to the third level of the pyramid. These are what you have to do. You first have to have a skill. With that skill, you need to condition it. You cannot do this alone so as a team you have to work as one to make this team success happen.

There are two last levels to this team success pyramid as described by John R. Wooden. This next level entails that you have to have poise and confidence. If you do not have this then you are nothing. You will not make it anywhere. Which leads up to then competitive greatness? This is how you break down the pyramid of success. This is what success takes. When a team has mastered this, then they have mastered everything else. As a team; when you have mastered this, there is nothing that team cannot do.

As a coach, it is your duty to get your team prepared so that they can reach this level. It might take some time, but when you get there, you will see a team that is ready to win any championship, but who are also confident that they have tried their hardest to get where they are today. When you have this, you have a team in which you can be proud of. So aim for that team. It will be hard, it will be challenging, but if you can stand up to this challenge, then you can create a team that any person would be willing to play for. This is how to strive for success and Wooden proved it as he saw that you should never try to be better than anyone, but you should aim to be on top. This was how he chose to help his students do so.

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Title: character • Created by: evelynishere via Flickr • Licence: Creative Commons Attribution