Whatever sports you are into, if you are a professional the ultimate goal will always be the championship crown. In the sports of Basketball, a championship mind set should be implemented as early as the first meeting of the team. It is important that the players already settle their minds in achieving a championship.

Championship mind setting is not just thinking about winning a crown. It gives emphasis to putting the goal of winning into action. This is the same as building a vision of the team and in order to make the vision into realization, something has to be done. I think that this should be the concept of mind setting. You focus your full attention to making shots in practice, and those that contribute to exercising plays and defensive skills in basketball.

In which ways can a coach, or any person, create a championship mindset?

In my opinion, several things should be considered. Before getting back to practice for another season, you as the coach should already have the tools on how to formulate effective ways of creating a championship mindset among your players. Here are my ideas:

  • Get your players ready for practice
    The players must realize that vacation is over, and that they are back in basketball business. At times, a team can have a slow start due to the effects of not playing for quite some time. It is important that you pull your players up together, and get them on the court. Before you start practicing, discuss with players about the vision, objectives or missions of the team. This will set their mind up as to where they should go, and what they should do to reach that certain destination. As early as possible, encourage your players to always do their best in practice games. Whatever is done in practice reflects on-court.
  • Acceptance of your players’ roles and objectives in the team
    What I is planted in the objectives revolves around the tools winning. The different ways of basketball conditioning, drills, and plays are also included. The players should embrace the responsibility of performing their duties rightfully. When they learn to accept their duty, this opens their heart and mind, and enables them to give their self and time for the betterment of their game, as well as for the whole team. This, actually, leads to the third tool in creating a championship mindset.
  • Demand Dedication
    When responsibility is accepted, the players will dedicate themselves including their time and effort just to give valuable contributions for the team’s success. When you dedicate yourself, you do not complain about things that your coaching staff wants you to do, unless if it is something that is not related to your responsibilities as part of the team.
  • Institute an Offensive Concept
    Although defense wins championships, the offense capabilities of your squad is very important in winning games. Afterall, you need to score. I think that players should not just display aggressiveness, but they should also demonstrate accuracy in their offense. A very good and proficient offensive system help players think that they can, actually, win basketball games. As the coach you should utilize this and let your players focus on one game at a time. This will condition the players’ minds that they should work hard to win game after game until they reach the championship, and eventually win it. However, do not focus too much on offense. Give more importance to the next point, too.
  • Insitute a strong and powerful Defensive Concept
    There are so many teams who are able to win championships because of their defense. A strong defense can break an opponent’s offense, disabling them the chance to get the ball into the hoop. Implementing and reinforcing defense can help the players situate their minds in successfully attaining a championship crown. Personally, more than offense, I am very impressed to see players stick to their man and grab the ball, and even dive on the floor just to get that ball back. It is truly amazing to see players with huge hearts. They are the ones who make it possible for the team to have a lot of second chances to making the score. I think that players who execute excellent defense are the ones who have already conditioned their minds for the championship and are willing to hustle for any possession. The coach of the team should give a championship mindset among his players by persistence in encouraging his players to do defense.
  • Develop a Positive Attitude
    Whatever happens in games, you should always inspire your players to believe in themselves, and that they are very much capable of winning championships. Remind your playerss that it is not over until it is over. As long as the shot clock is ticking, there is always hope of winning the game. This must be the concept of a positive attitude. Help your players develop the attitude of positive thinking. This will set their mind that they can win championships. Positive thinking rejects impossibility. This will give the players the strength to endure the challenges of basketball competition.

The art of creating a championship mindset lies in the hand of you, the coach who has the heart to teach, encourage, and inspire those under your supervision. Oftentimes, coaches use this method of inspiration to motivate their players. There is something about inspiration that drives them to demonstrate superb basketball than their usual game. It is like when you inspire them to do something, they do it in a way that surprises you because it surpasses your expectation about them.

Moreover, during championship games, when players execute an all out basketball display and their opponents are also doing the same thing, I noticed that coaches take the chance to really motivate and inspire their players. They increase their self-confidence, and push them up to perform a high energy basketball game. I think this is because the team is perfectly doing their job and the only way to keep them going is to inspire them to do proper execution of plays. Coaches usually emphasize that if they maintain the attitude of proper execution until the buzzer beats, they can have an excellent shot to win the championship.