Every basketball player has someone that they look up to. For many, it is Lebron James and the fine skills that he has. It is no wonder why this is when you look at what he has done and continues to do on the court. So, what all don’t you know or might have forgotten about this NBA player? We have it all right here.

You might know him as King James. In Ohio, he was the claim of fame during his high school years. During his sophomore year, he was the one that everyone said would make it to the NBA while he attended Catholic school. That held true after all. His first year after high school, they picked him. Who are they? The Cavaliers baby that is who we’re talking about. This was their first pick and a mighty fine one at that. His first contract was for ninety million dollars. Wouldn’t you like to make that much?

Before he even began playing basketball, he was being a spokesperson for one great company? Who was he doing commercials for? Nike is the answer to that question. His contract was huge.

Since he had begun, he had started making a number of records. For instance, he is the youngest player to receive Rookie of the Year. He got Most Valuable Players. Since 2005 he has had a very nice title. Well, actually two. He has been All NBA and All Stars since that year. Just think how amazing that is.

From 2006 on, Lebron has helped his team get pretty far. Just how far? Ever since that year, he has brought this team to see the playoffs. This is something that every team lives for. He has helped them to do things that they have not been able to do since 1992 such as going to the Finals.

In 2004 he made Olympic history by bringing home the bronze. That is something else that all athletes wish to achieve. During the 2008 Olympics, he decided the bronze wasn’t enough. He brought home the gold medal that year. By being a part of the National team, he has seen many accomplishments and has aimed to do more. That is his strive in life.

You can see why basketball players idolize him. Unlike some other players that others look up to, he has not seen any criminal action. He has not dealt with any charges. He has remained clean and has set his mind upon winning in all he is shown to when it comes to basketball. He continues to be a role model to young men who want to just shoot hoops being as young as he was and coming as far as he has. There is much hope and Lebron James gives this hope to those who look up to him to see what a true basketball player looks like. Good job Lebron. This is something that teachers and parents say that students need more of. A good male role model to look up to who earned his way and still remained on the right path.